You Might Have a Small Business, But You Should Still Have a Website

Every brand, big or small, deserves a website. We’re here to handle the technicalities for you, ensuring you have a comprehensive, high-speed website at your fingertips!

Key Reasons

Here's three substatial reasons you might want to consider the Small Site Scheme. Despite the site being small, your feature set is truly mighty!

  • So... So Fast

    We don’t use default website hosting, instead we opt for our own server locations and hardware. This gives us a greater control over and means you don’t get put on a slow server.

  • Here for You

    We’re committed to supporting you fully. If you encounter any issues, please submit a support ticket, and we’ll be dedicated to assisting you with any problems you may have.

  • Backed All The Way Up

    We understand that things can break, including the ones you interact with. That’s why we back up every website daily, so you’ll have the capability to revert to a previous state.

You're a Business Owner & You Need a Website

We’re all about building websites. That’s our jam. So, you can keep doing your thing without worrying about the web stuff. Sounds pretty good, right?

Let's See

How it Works

There’s not a whole lot of steps to get an absolutely awesome website, but here’s how we do it in just 4 easy steps!

Get In Touch
  • Step 1

    The first and simplest step is to reach out! Once you've completed the form, we'll understand not just you, but also the business you run and the vision you have for your website.

  • Step 2

    After we've connected and discussed your website needs, we'll establish a monthly payment plan for your website services. Remember, you can always upgrade your plan or website features in the future!

  • Step 3

    After the initial payment is processed, your brand new website will be established and you'll gain access as soon as it's finalized. You will then have the freedom to add new text, images and maybe even some blog posts! To make it truly yours.

  • Step 4

    This step is all on us; We'll monitor your website, covering everything from load times to site availability and ensure everything is up to date! It's as easy as that!

Learning Centre

Latest Resources

Here you'll find our latest posts that can help you to not only manage your website, but also improve it in ways you might not have thought about previously!

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Ready to Start Thriving Online?

Drop us a line and let’s discuss what could be your next best investment!